Class of '65
Roy W Brown Jr. High School
Year Book Dedication

If one were to ask each member of our Class of '62 for the name of the faculty member who had, over the past three years given the class the most in terms of friendliness, guidance and academic growth, the list of names would probably include most of the teachers in the school.   One name, however that we are certain would be submitted by the greatest number of students would be that of Miss Jessica Finn.  It is to her that we dedicate our Class of '62 yearbook.

Since our entry into the Junior High School three years ago practically all of us have been influenced by Miss Finn either in Citizenship classes, academic studies, or, more frequently, in the guidance work in which she is presently engaged.  In every case her sincere concern for our welfare has been evident and her friendliness and cheerful approach has made each contact a pleasant experience  These are things that we shall not forget.

As we continue to pursue our academic goals in high school many of us will often recall the valuable advice given us by Miss Finn in selecting our courses, careers and objectives.
 Indeed, the confidence with which we face our entry into high school is largely based on the knowledge of our abilities, our strengths and our shortcomings which she has helped us to recognize.  In most cases this knowledge was easy to accept; in some it was not.  It was, in many instances, only the sincerity and warmth of Miss Finn's personality that made an interview successful.
 Now, as we prepare to leave the Junior High School for the last time, Miss Finn is also terminating her association here.  We are leaving together.  But, just as our sorrow at leaving familiar surroundings and friends behind is, for the most part, lost in the excitement of embarking on a new venture in our educational growth, the sadness that Miss Finn faces at leaving so many close friends is also lost in the pleasant anticipation of a new "career."  She is leaving Bergenfield to become
Mrs. Edward Waxman.
When Miss Finn leaves Bergenfield this month, she will take with her the love and affection of the entire Class of '62.  We hope that this will help her to find as much happiness in the coming years as she has helped us to find in our association here in our school.

Copy of original dedication, Spring 1958

complements of Mitchell Marner

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