WHITE BEECHES GOLF & COUNTRY CLUB - HAWORTH, NEW JERSEY Monday July 10, 2006 • Shotgun start 11 am (rain or shine) • Best Ball Scramble Registration, Brunch & Range open at 9 am, Free Clinic at 10 am This eventful day at one of New Jersey’s finest Golf Clubs starts with Valet Parking then, Welcome Gifts, Locker Room Privileges, Brunch, Range Balls, Power Cart, Lunch & Beverages, Trophies for Winning Teams, Long Drive, Straight Drive & Closest to Hole Contests! Followed by a Cocktail Reception & Awards Dinner in the Clubhouse, Plus Lots of Raffle Prizes!! Click here for more info and registration form |
A lifetime resident of Bergenfield and BHS graduate, Bill Eaton was committed to the sports & recreation activities for not just his own, but all children of Bergenfield from pre-school through high school. Regardless of the occasion, Bill was never shy to step in and help. Following his untimely passing, a scholarship fund was established in his memory. In addition to the generous donations from friends, local residents & businesses, the fund is primarily supported by what has become a very popular golf outing & dinner held locally in July. Nearly a dozen to date, each scholarship
is awarded to a deserving senior football player and football cheerleader
and presented on Senior Awards Night at Bergenfield High School
If you wish to make a donation, please send to: Bill Eaton Memorial Scholarship Fund
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